Get involved
Ways to get involved in our Kingston naturing recovery project
We run our conservation project as a Private Company Limited by Shares (Kingston Hill Fields Limited, registered number 05613356) so to be able to fully take part in all that we do you will need to become a Shareholder in our Company.
The aim of Kingston Hill Fields Ltd (KHFL) is to maintain and develop a mosaic of habitats for nature’s recovery. It will only be successful in the long-term if, preferably local people, become Shareholders. Inevitably people will move out of the area and all of us at some point, hopefully in the distant future, will pass away. For the project to remain actively managed by local people shares will therefore need to continually, albeit infrequently, change hands. We feel that is extremely important for Kingston that those who live and care about our local patch retain control of this small but important part of our environment. We currently have opportunities for those wishing to become a Shareholder to buy shares.
While we don’t offer a financial return on shares the reward of having access to an area of beautiful Downland, a mile in circumference, with an ever-changing tapestry of wildlife and flowers is reward in itself.
We also have regular working parties to carry out maintenance work in the field, these are open to everyone, and you would be very welcome to join us on one. There’s no obligation to come regularly to them, work hard or stay for the whole time. They’re informal, sociable and a great opportunity to be in a beautiful natural environment.
If you’d like to explore the possibility of becoming a Shareholder or would like to find out about our working parties, please contact us.